Friday, October 05, 2007

"Did you ever wonder who's the world's richest heroin addict?"
---"How about the world's richest religious leader?"
"Besides the Pope?"
---"Who's today's world's richest man or woman with full-blown HIV-AIDs?"
"The world's richest grocery store clerk?"
---"The world's richest paraplegic or quadraplegic?"
"The world's richest adopted heir."
---"Over or under 21 years of age?"
"The world's richest dyslexic?"
---"The world's richest transexual?"
"The world's richest paedophile?"
---"The world's richest professional gambler?"
"The world's richest woman or man who's wealth comes from divorce settlements or other civil litigation?"
---"The world's richest convict who's not a drug dealer, human trafficker or head of state?"
"The world's richest pet?"
---"The world's richest lecturing and publishing professor?"
"The world's richest single mom without servants or nannies?"
---"The world's richest choir member?"
"The world's richest parole officer?"
---"The world's richest John Lennon impersonator?"
"The world's richest murderer?"
---"Who's not a general or a head of state?"
"Or religious leader."
---"The world's richest working nurse?"

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